Sunday, January 30, 2011

USM Centennial Exhibit

The Centennial Exhibit is located in the first floor of the Cook Library. It contains various artifacts of USM history, many of which have been donated by former Alumni. The various pieces of USM history on display include archived copies of the Student Printz, an original Dixie Darlings uniform from the 1960s, and other school-related uniforms, such as Army ROTC and the Pride marching band. There are also a number of original documents, such as students' report cards from the 1910s, giving us glimpse into what student life was like in USM's early days. Also showcased are examples of cultural events which have been hosted or promoted by USM in the past, specifically the performance of renowned opera singer Renée Fleming, which took place January 29th, 2010.
My personal favorite displays are the old report cards, student planners, and the canning equipment used by the “Tomato club at Mississippi Normal College,” c. 1916. There are also a number of original photos from the early days of USM; it is truly amazing how much the campus has grown. From a small state Normal College to a major University offering diverse degree programs, USM's history is truly remarkable!